Jonas Kocher


Jonas Kocher is a composer and accordionist born in 1977. He has a strong interest in process oriented works and improvisation. Active in numerous artistic and social contexts, his regular collaborators are musicians such as Joke Lanz, Axel Dörner, Jacques Demierre, Hans Koch, Gaudenz Badrutt, Tomaž Grom, Radu Malfatti, Christof Kurzmann, Kai Fagaschinski and many others.

As sound artist and composer Jonas Kocher has realized works that are situated between composed theatre, installation and concert pieces. He has been invited to present his work as accordionist or composer by major festivals such as Festival Météo Mulhouse, Festival Le Bruit de la Musique, Art Biennale Thessaloniki, Music Unlimited Wels, Ring Ring Festival Belgrade, Konfrontationen Nickelsdorf, Unerhört Festival Zürich, Musik Festival Bern, Biennale Zagreb, Sound (Dis)obedience Festival Ljubljana, Festival Sonic Circuits Washington, Québec musiques parrallèles, etc.

He was awarded the Artist in Residence Scholarship (Cité des Arts Paris) of the Canton of Bern 2004, the recognition prize from the Canton of Bern 2010 and was awarded composition grants from the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia in 2012 and 2019. Award Winner of the Liechti Prize for the Arts 2020.

Artist's activities

Šalter Ensemble
May 23-27 2024: International electroacoustic ensemble. Release tour New Album Tri dela, Concerts in Vienna, Slovenske Konjice, Belgrade, Novi Sad
Soirée Bruit, March 3 2024. Picture by Jonas Scheck
Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne
March 3 2024: Triple concert in Biel/Bienne
Šalter Ensemble, festival Forum nove glasba, Ljubljana, 23.11.2023.Pictures by Darja Štravs Tisu
November 23-26 2023: International electroacoustic ensemble. Concerts in Ljubljana, St-Johann, Graz
DDK and GGRIL, Rimouski 17.102023. Pictures by Xavier Sénéchal
October 13-17 2023: Concerts in Québec, Ottawa, Montréal and Rimouski, December 9 to 22, concerts in Metz, Genève, London, Ashburton, Brighton, Dieppe
September 6 & 7 2023: Symposium on the sound art in Switzerland, Geneva
Luc Ferrari 1964 (picture © Brunhild Ferrari)
Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne, Talk
September 29 & 30: A two-day festival with music by Luc Ferrari, ErikM, Gilles Grimaître, Bruit – Group for Music Creation a.o. in Biel/Bienne
Anarchy 2023
Talk, Concert / Performance
July 21 2023: Bruit at the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering, Anarchy 2023 in St-Imier
Festival-In-Opposition. (Pictures by Minja Smajic)
Concert / Performance, Talk
June 7th 2023, June 8th-11th: a concert in Belgrade with the trio Badrutt, Belorukov, Kocher and a temporary creative hub for encounters and exchanges in Novi Sad
Šalter Ensemble, 28. Jazz Cerkno 2023 (picture by Nada Zgank)
Tour, Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne
May 5-26 2023: International electroacoustic ensemble. Concerts in Venice, Cerkno, Biel/Bienne, Zürich
Baldrian Quartett
Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne, Tour
February 26-30 2023: Concerts in Biel/Bienne, Zürich and Geneva

Artist's editions

Tri dela
CD, Digital Release
Šalter Ensemble, 2024
CD Stranger Becoming
CD, Digital Release
Koch / Loriot / Kocher, 2022
Digital cover
Digital Release
Does Sound Have a Shadow? 2021
CD Ferrari-Kocher
CD, Digital Release
-bRt- group for music creation, 2021
CD cover front Br5
CD, Digital Release
Jonas Kocher, 2016
Quiet Novosibirsk
Book, DVD/Video
Jonas Kocher, Gaudenz Badrutt, 2016
Cd Cover KKB Roma 1
CD, Digital Release
Koch-Kocher-Badrutt, 2015

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