
EN Bruit offers workshops in Biel/Bienne that are open to musicians of all backgrounds and experience. These workshops offer participants the opportunity to benefit from the presence of internationally renowned artists, and allow the latter to share their know-how.

DE Bruit bietet in Biel/Bienne Workshops an, die allen Musiker:innen offen stehen, unabhängig von ihrem Hintergrund und ihrer Erfahrung. Diese Workshops bieten den Teilnehmer:innen die Möglichkeit, von der Anwesenheit international renommierter Künstler:innen zu profitieren, und ermöglichen es diesen, ihr Know-how zu teilen.

FR Bruit propose à Biel/Bienne des ateliers ouverts à tous les musiciens et musiciennes, quels que soient leur parcours et leur expérience. Ces workshops offrent aux participants l’opportunité de profiter de la présence d’artistes de renommée internationale et permettent à ces derniers de partager leur savoir-faire.

Hannes Lingens (picture by Cristina Marx)
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
November 30 2024, Biel/Bienne: “Oral Music”
La Fête à Bruit 2024 – Xavier Charles and the Terrain-Gurzelen-Waterslide (picture by Lucas Dubuis)
Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne, Talk, Workshop
August 29, 30, 31 and September 1st 2024, Biel/Bienne: A 4-day festival dedicated to improvisation
Félicie Bazelaire. Picture by Darek Szuster
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
March 2 2024, Biel/Bienne: “From open composition to improvisation”
ErikM (Picture by Václav-Kremser)
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
October 1 2023, Biel/Bienne: Improvisation workshop
Irena Tomažin (picture by Katarina Juvancic)
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
May 27 2023, Biel/Bienne: “Moved by Voice”, a voice-movement workshop
Kai Fagaschinski
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
February 25 2023, Biel/Bienne: “Improvising as an ecosystem”
Joke Lanz (picture by Cristina Marx)
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
September 9 2022, Biel/Bienne: “The Art of Noise”
Pictures by Lucas Dubuis
2021/2022: Sessions of improvisation practice with musicians and dancers, Biel/Bienne

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