Talk, Concert / Performance

Anarchy 2023

Bruit will be present in St-Imier in the frame of Anarchy 2023, the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering. We propose here an attempt to put into practice – in an analogical way, through music – a form of anarchism, by questioning our relationship to sounds, to forms, to the way in which we relate to and with each other, to see and relate the ways in which we manage to link, connect and relay.

With Frantz Loriot, Jonas Kocher, Hans Koch, Christian Weber, Gilles Grimaître, Loïc Veya.

You are welcome to join us! Contact us by email at or come spontaneously.

Dates 2023
July 20, 20.00-22-00, St-Imier, ZAF Sonvilier 3, room 104
July 21, 11:00-13:00 St-Imier, ZAF Sonvilier 3, room 209


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