Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne, Tour

Baldrian Quartett & Anna-Kaisa Meklin solo

Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics
Kai Fagaschinski, clarinet
Jonas Kocher, accordion
Christof Kurzmann, electronics

Their album Entschlummern sollst du, sollst entschlummern (engl.: Thou shall slumber, slumber, shall thou) brings us the first ever released recordings of four string quartets by Frieda Bertelsohn Martholdy (1878 -1907), a composer yet unknown to most of us. The first listening makes undoubtedly clear what an original voice as a composer and what an astonishing achievement from the performers we are witnessing here. Frieda Bertelsohn Martholdys thoroughly modern sounding music fluently integrates a pronounced romantic quality, completely innocent of any of the aesthetic conflicts that 20th century music later challenged providing a candidly bewildering and enriching listening experience.

The concert in Biel/Bienne on February 26th is preceded by a solo performance by Anna-Kaisa Meklin, Viola da Gamba. The Finnish musician based in Switzerland will play two compositions by the American composer Catherine Lamb, “of animal” (2011) and “as two…or three…or four…” (2008).

Dates 2023
February 26, Biel/Bienne, Schule für Gestaltung
February 28, Zürich, Das Institut
March 01, Genève, Cave12

Press announcement
Bieler Tagblatt 25.02.2023 [in German]

City of Biel/Bienne, Canton of Bern

Poster by Nayara Siler

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