Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne

Workshop with Hannes Lingens

The workshop centers on the oral transmission of musical ideas. We explore open compositions, improvisational games, and collective composition, while also creating our own musical rules. The material developed through this process can lead to intricate and complex outcomes, yet it remains flexible for improvisation. Since everything is memorized from the outset, participants can spontaneously draw on this knowledge in any musical setting. It may sound challenging—and it is! But it’s also a lot of fun, with risk-taking and pushing the boundaries of what’s musically and humanly possible at the core of the experience.

The course is designed for curious musicians from all musical backgrounds. The only prerequisites are a basic understanding of your instrument, curiosity, and open ears. Advanced instrumental skills, experience with improvisation, or the ability to read music are not required—though they’re certainly welcome.

Date and place
November 30 2024, 14-18:00
Kufa, Gurzelenstrasse 11, Biel/Bienne

Normal: CHF 70.-
Students, Kulturlegi, etc.: CHF 60.-
Members: CHF 50.-/40.-
Become a member

On this page, scroll down until the form

More information
+41 79 308 10 67

Workshop in German, English & French

Hannes Lingens’s Website

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