Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne

Workshop with Irena Z. Tomažin

In the workshop we will meet and discover many diverse voices that are kept in our body. We will go through the process of shifting the awareness towards inner listening and tuning in with our own emotional streams and body impulses. By listening closely we can get to know more deeply not only ourselves, but also our own voice material, expressions and songs already within us.

The work will unfold our voices through intense physical and breathing exercises, through different types of massaging the body and positioning it in order to listen and hear the stream of emotions while opening the body resonators.

Workshop open for everyone.

Date and place
Saturday May 27 2023, 13:30-17:30
KUFA, Gurzelenstrasse 11, Biel/Bienne

Normal: CHF 60.-
Students, Kulturlegi, etc.: CHF 45.-
Early bird price until May 15th: CHF 50.-/40.-

More information and registration
+41 79 308 10 67

Workshop in English

More informations about Irena Z. Tomažin

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