Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne

Workshop with Kai Fagaschinski

Improvising as an ecosystem
Within the workshop we gonna improvise together and focus as much on listening as on playing. We gonna focus our awareness to certain aspects of musical interaction with the intention to create together an experience of a collective sound. Within these few hours we gonna look into different ways of musical communication. The image of an ecosystem where individual parts are connected but still act independently might serve as an inspiration.

Open for all people playing an instrument or using their voice, objects, electronics, etc. with little to a lot of experience with improvisation.

Date and place
Saturday February 25 2023, 14:00-18:00
KUFA, Biel/Bienne

Normal: CHF 60.-
Students, Kulturlegi, etc.: CHF 45.-

More information and registration
+41 79 308 10 67

Workshop in English and German

Kai Fagaschinski’s website

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