Tour, Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne

Šalter Ensemble

Šalter Ensemble operates on the border between free improvisation and composition, focusing on collective processes as a central part of its practice. The project is an international electroacoustic ensemble initiated in 2017 by Jonas Kocher in collaboration with Zavod Sploh Ljubljana and Izlog Festival Zagreb, and has since performed at numerous venues and festivals in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland and Serbia. In 2021, the ensemble released the album Štiri dela.

The ensemble consists of outstanding personalities from the Swiss music scene, the Slovenian music scene and, in this year’s edition, exposed representatives of the Styrian music scene. The musicians come from a wide range of backgrounds – from jazz to traditional and folk music to contemporary improvised and electronic music – and are from different generations.

In its current programme, Šalter presents new compositions by Jonas Kocher & Gaudenz Badrutt Interstices / Interferences (2023), Elisabeth Harnik, šum III (2023)
Tomaž Grom, My Wish Your Command (2023)

Line-up 2023: Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics, Estelle Beiner, violin, Ilia Belorukov, saxophone, Tomaž Grom, double bass, electronics, Elisabeth Harnik, piano, objects, Josef Klammer, augmented percussion, Jonas Kocher, accordion, Samo Kutin, hurdy gurdy, Alfred Lang, trumpet, Irena Z. Tomažin, voice

Artistic direction by Kocher & Badrutt, Harnik, Grom

Dates 2023
May 05, Venezia Mestre (IT), Forte Marghera
May 19, Cerkno (SLO), Jazz Festival
May 25, Biel/Bienne (CH), Le Singe
May 26, Zürich (CH), Videoex Festival

November 23, Ljubljana (SLO), Festival Forum nove glasbe
November 24, St.Johann (AT), Alte Gerberei
November 26, Graz (AT), TaO!

Interview with Ilia Belorukov [Bieler Tagblatt, May 25 2023, in German]
Broadcasting of the Biel concert on Swiss national radio [SRF Neue Musik im Konzert, 11.10.2023; online still available]

Bruit Association, Zavod Sploh (Ljubljana) and Association for New and Improvised Music (Graz)

City of Biel/Bienne, Canton of Bern, Fondation Nicati – De Luze, Pro Helvetia, Fondation SUISA, SIS, Land Steiermark Kultur, Stadt Graz, Bundesministerium Kunst, SKE Fonds, GFÖM/AKM, Alpen-Adria Allianz (AAA), Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana, European Union/Culture Moves Europe

Poster by Nayara Siler

More activities

Belorukov & Badrutt, Novi Sad 2023
Tour, Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne
March 25 – April 1 2025: Concerts in Biel, San Martino al Tagliamento, Roma, Padova, Vittorio Veneto and Milano
Soirée Bruit, March 3 2024. Picture by Jonas Scheck
NEXTMarch 1–7 2025: Concerts in Budapest, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Vienna
La Fête à Bruit 2024. Picture by Simone Haug
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
CURRENTFebruary 20, March 3 & April 10 2025, Biel/Bienne
Christian Müller (picture by Gaudenz Badrutt)
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January 19 2025, Biel/Bienne: Manoir Bruit at Atomic Café – Salon d’écoute & Presentations with Annette Schmucki, Pascal Lopinat, Christian Müller
Hannes Lingens (picture by Cristina Marx)
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
November 30 2024, Biel/Bienne: “Oral Music”
Soirée Bruit Pauline Oliveros & Phil Niblock. Pictures by Dominik Rickli
Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne
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