Loïc Veya


Watchmaker and double bass player, Loïc Veya moves between various jazz and free improvisation projects. With a passion for improvised music, he has enriched his artistic practice by exploring different approaches and aesthetics and by practising assiduously with numerous musicians.

As a trainer and teacher, Loïc draws on his musical and professional experience to pass on his know-how in the introductory free improvisation workshops run by the Bruit association, offering participants a caring and inspiring environment in which to experiment and develop their musical creativity.

Artist's activities

La Fête à Bruit 2024. Picture by Simone Haug
Workshop, Event in Biel/Bienne
CURRENTFebruary 20, March 3 & April 10 2025, Biel/Bienne
Anarchy 2023
Talk, Concert / Performance
July 21 2023: Bruit at the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering, Anarchy 2023 in St-Imier

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