The program “Belonging” conceived by Milana Zarić and Jonas Kocher and presented in Serbia in 2019 is now being presented in Switzerland in Biel, Zurich, Basel and Lausanne. It includes four compositions from the 20th and 21st centuries that sensitively question collective playing and the interaction between musicians. Four pieces that come from very different traditions and historical contexts, but all give priority to sound and improvisation.
Sonja Mutic (*1984) “All my Worlds” (2019)
Ernö Király (1919-2007): “Actiones” (1970)
Jürg Frey (*1953): “Fragile Balance” (2014)
Jonas Kocher (*1977): “Perspectives and Echoes” (2019)
Ensemble Studio 6: Vladimir Blagojević, accordion, Kaja Farszky, percussion, Svetlana Maraš, live-electronics, Nenad Marković, trumpet, Bojana Pantović, violin, Milana Zarić, harp, Jonas Kocher, artistic direction