Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne, Tour

All Them Takes by Puts Marie & Jonas Kocher

All Them Takes is a musical game made to measure by Kocher for the Puts Marie. The band’s sonic identity is pushed to its limits and kneaded to be better spat out in the urgency of the moment. A collision of sounds, riffs, grooves, spoken words, hypnotic repetitions that turn absurd in an energy that is resolutely rock, chaotic and diabolically precise at the same time.

Puts Marie
Max Usata, vocals, drums, synth
Sirup Gagavil, guitar
Beni 06, Farfisa organ
Igor Stepniewski, electric bass, flute
Tobi Schramm, drums
Gaspard Pahud, sound

Jonas Kocher, composition, artistic direction

Dates 2021
25.10., 20:30, Zürich, Das Institut
26.10., 20:30, Zürich, Das Institut
27.10., 20:30, Thun, Mokka
29.10., 21:30, Basel, Wurm
30.10., 21:00, Bern, Prozess
20.11., 21:00, Biel/Bienne, Le Singe

Dates 2022/23
04.11.22, 20:00, Sion, Point 11
25.01.23, 21:00, Genève, Cave 12

Pro Helvetia, Fondation Nicati – de Luze, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, City of Biel/Bienne, Canton of Bern

Press releases (DE)

All Them Takes poster by Beni Weber
Poster by Beni Weber

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