Event in Biel/Bienne, Concert / Performance, Manoir Bruit, Talk

Manoir Bruit at Atomic Café

Manoir Bruit is the sound creation programme run by association Bruit, in collaboration with Haus am Gern and Château de Sibra.

Since August 2024, three artists have had the opportunity to develop their own site-specific sound projects over the course of a week.
On 19 January 2025, we are invited to to take a closer look at their works. For this occasion, the artists will choose how to present their creations, whether in the form of a salon d’écoute, a dialogue, a further development of their project or a performance. The soundscapes of the Manoir Bruit will be transported to the cosy setting of the Atomic Café, reimagined and revitalised. Let us be surprised by the works and artists!

Pascal Lopinat: (de)TUNED NOISES

Annette Schmucki: grenze&flur_südsüdwest – dépendance pour fatira

Christian Müller: Grüsse von Alice – 11 Miniaturen

January 19 2025, 17:00, Atomic Café, Biel/Bienne

More Information
Project Manoir Bruit

Christian Müller’s webpage
Annette Schmucki’s webpage
Pascal Lopinat’s webpage

The project Manoir Bruit is supported by the City of Biel/Bienne, SWISSLOS/Culture Canton of Berne and Fondation Henneberger-Mercier

Poster by Nayara Siler


More activities

La Fête à Bruit 2024. Picture by Simone Haug
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Belgrade, June 2023. Picture by Dusko Vukic
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Manoir Bruit – artist in-residence Pascal Lopinat (photo by the artist)
Manoir Bruit
October 19 – 26 2024: Pascal Lopinat as artist-in-residence at Manoir Bruit

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