
W: workshop L: lecture S: sound
All lectures are in English

Thursday 29.08 Anarchism & Self Organisation

12:30 W: Where the Ear Follows, Dérive Sonore A Soundwalk Through Biel’s Sonic-Social Spaces with Jason Kahn, musician 90’

16:00 L: Sound Against All Authorities 150 Years of Anarchist Music Practice by Florian Eitel, historian, specialist in anarchist studies 45’
L: Vectors of Collective Imagination Fragments from the History of Art Organisations in Yugoslavia by 45’

18:30 S: Resonating Gurzelen Outdoor Sound Performance with the Musicians in Residence 60’

20:30 S: Music & Words Solo Performance by Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson, author, musician 25’
& Concert Improvisations by the Musicians in Residence 90’

Friday 30.08 Artists’ Rights & Fair Practices

12:30 W: MimiCry · We Set Our Voices Free as a MimiCry Choir Warm-ups and Improvisation with Ute Wassermann, musician 60’
L: Intermittent Status in Switzerland? Yes, it Exists ! by Fabienne Abramovich & Cyril Bondi, members of Action intermittence Genève 45’

16:00 W: Fair Practices in Arts A Workshop-Lecture by Nicolas Y Galeazzi, artist, curator 100′

18:30 S: Resonating Gurzelen Outdoor Sound Performance with the Musicians in Residence 60’

20:30 S: Performing Reflection Solo Performance by Ivar Roban Križić, musician, researcher 25’
& Concert Improvisations by the Musicians in Residence + Hans Koch, guest 90’

Sa. 31.08 DIY & Curating

12:30 W: It Moves Us · The listening Body · Practices in Stillness and Movement in Response to our Inner and Outer Landscapes with Dafni Stefanou, dancer 60’
L: Why Anything Is Possible How DIY Spaces Saved My Life by Jason Kahn, artist, musician 30’

16:00 L: Poor Things Curating Tiny Stuff by Michael Kunkel, researcher 45′
L: Composing the Scene: Critical Listening A Personal Approach to Curating Experimental Music by Davorka Begović, curator 45’

18:30 S: Resonating Gurzelen Outdoor Sound Performance with the Musicians in Residence 60’

20:30 S: I’m {becoming-with} in a {violin} Solo Performance by HannaH Vyborg Walter, musician, researcher 25’
& Concert Improvisations by the Musicians in Residence 90’

Sunday 01.09 Knowledge Sharing & Ecosystems

12:30 L: A Balanced Give and Take Insights into Open Source Software Developing by Stefanos Petrakis, web programmer 30′
W, L: Sustainable Creative Processes Using Permaculture Tools by Gregory Stauffer, performer, researcher 100′

16:00 Salon A dynamic space that encourages the free flow of ideas and experience. An organic incubator where self-reflection merges with the sharing of practical knowledge. Moderated by Andrej Mirčev, dramaturge 90’

18:00 S: Improvised Performances Outside, on the field, with the musicians in residence, Gregory Stauffer, Antoine Rubin, Dafni Stefanou a.o. 90’

Every day

Spontaneous interventions from Lea Krebs, visual artist and Antoine Rubin, author
Blablabliblabiu daily live broadcast from 2.30 pm to 4 pm on – Undisciplinary Radio Practices

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