Concert / Performance, Event in Biel/Bienne

Lise Barkas · Adieu au langage

A bagpipe solo by the excellent young musician from Strasbourg as a counterpoint to the film Adieu au langage (2014), a true technological experiment and a visual and aural masterpiece by Jean-Luc Godard.

Bagpiper Lise Barkas plunges us into a world of sound that joyously combines the still-vibrant folklore of the bagpipes with modes of playing linked to experimental music. Haunting melodies appear and disappear, giving way to blown sounds, scratches, complex multiphonics and whistling. In this way, she reveals astonishing harmonic combinations in continuums of sound, redefining the notions of tradition associated with these instruments. Festival Archipel

Numerous maxims in voice-over. A syncopated montage of animated or still shots that follow one another without any apparent link, punctuated by sounds that are sometimes strident, saturated and brutally interrupted. It’s like a metaphorical plunge into the chaotic universe of primitive and historical times. […] Adieu au langage leaves you speechless. Viktor Kirtov,

The beautiful duo Haïg Sarikouyoumdjian (duduk) & Beni 06 (farfisa) will open the evening at 18:00, a concert proposed by the organiser Borsec Borsec. At 20:30 the Soirée Bruit – programm will start with Lise Barkas, followed by the Godard-film.

And a set by djmt to round off the evening !

June 22, Bührer Areal, Quai du Bas 30, Biel/Bienne

18:00: duo Haïg Sarikouyoumdjian, duduk & Beni 06, Farfisa organ

20:30: Lise Barkas, Adieu au langage, djmt


Poster by Nayara Siler

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